Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Happy 101 Award

Yesterday, Ivana from Willing to See Less gave us "The Happy 101 Award" and we feel so honored and  grateful for her thoughtfulness.  Willing to See Less is a wonderful book review blog filled with excellent author interviews & insightful reviews, and if you aren't following it already, you definitely should be.  Ivana is incredibly kind and considerate.  In fact, she was our very first commenter here on The Eager Readers.  Our little blog is still very young and there is so much more for us to learn & lots to improve upon, but receiving kudos & encouragement from a blogger we really admire means a lot to us.  Thank you, Ivana!

The rules are:
1. List 10 things that make you happy. 
1. reading with our children
2. reading aloud to each other on long car drives
3. discussing books with other book enthusiasts
4. sunny days spent in the garden
5.  flowers
6. trips to the bookstore (including online shopping sprees)
7. trips to the library
8. children's laughter
9. yummy desserts (cupcakes, cookies, and candies, oh my!)
10. any excuse to sew & assemble costumes

2. Try to do at least one thing on the list today.
We will definitely fit in some reading & laughter today.

3. List 10 bloggers who brighten your day.

4. Those of you to whom I give this award are welcome to link back to my blog and to perpetuate the happy with your own lists and recipients. 

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